Downstream Oil & Gas

Refining Industry

Water, waste and energy management are critical to all activities of the oil and gas industry.

With the downstream industry facing regulatory changes, rising demand and fluctuating prices, increasing the efficiency of the refinery is more important than ever. The ability to recover water and wastewater, manage hazardous and non-hazardous waste, turn wastes into new materials through reclamation and regeneration, and improve energy efficiency help to optimize refining efficiency and presents the potential for substantial environmental and economic benefits.

Maximizing production & reducing downtime

Oil and gas companies strive to achieve 100% reliability with no unplanned shutdowns and increased throughput in their downstream plants to maximize profitability. We deliver guaranteed quality and availability, backed by best practices applied at hundreds of industrial locations across North America.

Reducing environmental footprint & guaranteeing compliance

Extracting value from waste reduces a plant’s carbon footprint and improves the overall efficacy of water management. We are proud to deliver our services in accordance with the industry’s stringent safety and compliance regulations, including those of the U.S. EPA’s Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), and other federal, state and local agencies.

Improving cost efficiency

We understand the downstream industry needs long-term solutions that can reduce overheads and operating costs. Recovery solutions deliver significant savings over the long-term, freeing up capital that can be allocated to other critical projects.


Our solutions for downstream oil & gas

We are trusted with site-based operations at over 50 refineries throughout North America.

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Our cost-effective energy solutions are focused on efficiency, resiliency and sustainability.
Our waste and regeneration solutions are compliant with strict regulations, cost-effective and focused on environmental management.
We provide our customers clean, safe and resilient water and wastewater operations worldwide.

They chose this solution

Major Louisiana Refinery

United States

Recycling process provides a sustainable solution.

Every refinery generates oil-bearing residuals as part of its normal operations, and operators must manage these residuals to maintain optimal production levels and operational efficiency.

With options ranging from thermal desorption to leveraging the coker to recover all material with zero waste leaving the refinery, our patented and proprietary technologies are backed by experienced operations and a proven commitment to safety.


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United States

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