Federal Government Agencies

Federal Government

Federal government agencies — whether they be courthouses, government office buildings, or military facilities — need trusted, experienced partners who understand their processes and guidelines. By optimizing energy, water, and waste resources and usage practices, these organizations uphold their fiduciary responsibilities while safeguarding the environment and ensuring maximum reliability for mission-critical operations.

Maintaining mission critical resource needs

Overseeing national security is a primary responsibility for federal governments. Thus, maximum performance and reliability from military facilities and equipment is essential.  Microgrids, combined heat and power systems, and water recycling technologies offer proven solutions to ensure uninterrupted access to mission critical resources.

Minimizing environmental footprint

While federal governments oversee the health of our local ecosystems, their operations also have a significant environmental footprint.  Partnerships with environmental services firms help ensure that hazardous wastes from military operations are safely disposed, wastewater is comprehensively treated to protect our water systems, and emissions are reduced to combat climate change.  

Making better buildings a reality

In 2016, federal government buildings used 917 trillion BTUs of energy. That’s why it created its Better Buildings Initiative, aiming to make buildings, federal, residential, and commercial 20% more energy efficient by the year 2026.  We’re working hand-in-hand with our federal clients to make this initiative a reality via our turnkey energy efficiency programs and performance based operations and maintenance contracts.

Balancing budgets through operational efficiency

Federal government agencies receive fixed funding services from the public tax base. The efficiency gains from outsourcing functions (i.e. utility systems operations or facilities management) to third-party operators present opportunities to lower long-term operating costs and free up budget resources.

The Department of Defense spends $4 billion annually on energy, which constitutes the single largest operating cost for military bases.

Our solutions for federal government agencies

See more of our solutions

Our cost-effective energy solutions are focused on efficiency, resiliency and sustainability.
Our waste and regeneration solutions are compliant with strict regulations, cost-effective and focused on environmental management.
We provide our customers clean, safe and resilient water and wastewater operations worldwide.