Veolia North America operates a solvent recycling and resource recovery facility. Veolia recycles used solvents, distributes new solvents, and blends used solvents and oils to produce fuel substitutes. Approximately 60% of the used chemicals accepted by Veolia are returned to industry for reuse. The remainder is sent to a licensed hazardous waste management facility for treatment and/or disposal.
Veolia West Carrollton is located on 27 acres within Montgomery County, OH. The site is surrounded on 2 sides by wooded and agriculture lots and light industrial businesses on the other two sides. The site consists of an administration building, laboratory facilities, truck unloading/loading areas, extensive drum storage and tank farm areas, solvent reclamation process equipment, non-hazardous storage and consolidation facilities and a maintenance building.
The majority of Veolia's business comes from the service offices within the Ohio Valley Branch that consist of Western PA, OH, WV, KY and TN. Major industries served include academia, manufacturing, aerospace, Communities, Federal Government, Chemical and Healthcare Facilities. The site is staffed to process waste 24 hours per day - seven days per week. Waste materials are received, as scheduled, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday - Friday. Personnel at the site can be reached 24 hours per day at 937-859-6101.
US EPA ID: OHD093945293
State Regulatory Agency: