Veolia North America operates as a solvent recycling and resource recovery facility. Veolia recycles used solvents, distributes new solvents, and blends used solvents and oils to produce fuel substitutes. Approximately 80% of the used chemicals accepted by Veolia are returned to industry for reuse. The remainder is sent to a licensed hazardous waste management facility for treatment and/or disposal.
Veolia Azusa is a 7-acre facility located in Southern California in an industrialized area bordered by chemical manufacturing facilities, a flood control basin and park, and a brewery. The site consists of an office building and laboratory facilities, truck and rail loading/unloading facilities, extensive drum storage and tank farm areas, solvent reclamation process equipment, and paved parking areas for transport vehicles. The process equipment for solvent reclamation includes two distillation units and a thin film evaporator.
Veolia operates 2 shifts a day from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., five days a week, mainly serving paint and electronics companies, the aerospace industry, printers and manufacturers. The majority of Veolia's business comes from businesses in Los Angeles and Orange counties. A Part B permit was issued to OSCO in August of 1983. Wastes are accepted in bulk and in drums. Veolia restricts the acceptance of dioxins, PCBs, radioactives, reactive wastes, biological wastes and infectious materials.
US EPA ID: CAD008302903
State Regulatory Agency: